
django-pgactivity makes it easy to view, filter, and kill active Postgres queries.

Some of the features at a glance:

Quick Start

Use the pgactivity ls subcommand to see activity queries:

python pgactivity ls

Output looks like the following:

39225 | 0:01:32 | IDLE_IN_TRANSACTION | None | lock auth_user in access exclusiv
39299 | 0:00:15 | ACTIVE | None | SELECT "auth_user"."id", "auth_user"."password
39315 | 0:00:00 | ACTIVE | None | WITH _pgactivity_activity_cte AS ( SELECT pid

The columns are as follows:

  1. The process ID of the connection.

  2. The duration of the query.

  3. The state of the query (see the Postgres docs for values).

  4. Attached context using pgactivity.context.

  5. The query SQL.

Cancel activity with:

python pgactivity cancel <process id> <process id> ...

Idle operations such as the first cannot always be cancelled. Terminate the connection with:

python pgactivity terminate <process id> <process id> ...

Decorate your code with pgactivity.context to attach context to SQL statements. Install pgactivity.middleware.ActivityMiddleware to automatically add the URL and request method to every query. Then you will see values in the context column:

39299 | 0:00:15 | ACTIVE | {"url": "/admin/", "method": "GET"} | SELECT "auth_use

Dynamically set the SQL statement timeout of code using pgactivity.timeout:

import pgactivity

def my_operation():
    # Any queries in this operation that take over 500 milliseconds will throw
    # an exception


django-pgactivity is compatible with Python 3.7 - 3.10, Django 2.2 - 4.1, and Postgres 10 - 15.

Next Steps

See the Usage section for more examples of the management command, configuration options, context tracking, and the proxy model.